His employment is coming to an end. And I read all these verses, and we were talking about it. Also, in addition to those, you have the letter that was written by eight former elders at Harvest, who brought them in 2012, to the elder board, and within 24 hours, were excommunicated for bringing charges against James McDonald. I knew letters were coming to the elder board per First Timothy 5. I think he might have and the reason I say that is that weekend, so you know, here we are on Tuesday, Tuesday, the fifth. However, an email that I got, that Duitsman had sent out and then it was leaked to me, said that what Duitsman was upset about was the fact that the elders were admitting that they had failed. Hes a deceiver. Again, she was the the wife of Dave Corning who was an elder at Harvest for over 20 years, and telling her stories, and one of her stories was you know about pictures of her being put up on a on a wall as a target practice for James McDonald and her seeing this shot up with a pellet gun. You cant unconditionally support anybody. She sends it to me and I wrote it. One, its impossible, and were gonna get killed, were gonna get slaughtered on that. So appreciate that and appreciate your humility. Yeah, I got sued, but the case got dropped. This is not my judgment but that of his elders from HBC. It was one of the big red flags to me, or I guess it was a yellow flag could have been a red flag, I wouldnt have done it. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of "Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse" by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. If hes ok with lying it places doubt on the gospel. When I entered my UCC church-sponsored college, I figured out why. None of my sources said it was wrong. Yet another American megachurch is immersed in accusations of wrongdoings. And you know, told her that I would get it to the motherboard. James MacDonald. So then James McDonald flies in, right? I called him. But according. Right, so now you have this meeting that ends you know, Tuesday night meeting that ends in the wee hours of the Wednesday, February 6. Very interesting discussion. He was in the many meetings leading up to McDonalds termination. It was really it was a painful meeting, it was a was an eye opening meeting as well though. Theres a number of narratives out there right now about how these letters came to the elder board. And then he apologized. Anne Green, who is married, alleged that MacDonald touched her inappropriately on a private plane in 2005. The way James MacDonald is said to have treated others while pastor of Harvest and the way he behaves on Twitter dont seem to be in keeping with the way the New Testament says we should behave. @Cynthia Wright Love your comment. Get new articles and breaking news delivered to your inbox. Had they reached all the elders at this point? If this passage defines what a strong husband looks like, I think most of the issues take care of themselves. Hi. And I, I look back at those meetings that I was just describing, Julie, I dont I dont say this lightly. Of it could be that shes been taken in by him. And I remember being in the meeting thinking, I cant believe were arguing about this. And when he sees he cant save it, it sounds like then he was trying to lobby for being able to resign, and a lot of emotional manipulation being used that weekend from from what youve told me. Right? Julie Roys knows she published many false statements about me, false statements now proven such in a court of law, yet she has retracted nothing. Harvest Insider Tells What Really Happened with James MacDonald. It was a conference call because it happened fast. In June, Visconti also posted a picture of him and his wife with James MacDonald and his wife. (God) says, the prudent see danger and take refuge. From the overflow of your heart your mouth (and thumbs) are speaking. To donate, click here. Can you say what was in that letter? It was a heated discussion about letters and who should have the letters who should read the letters, etc., that night. It was a large elder board. I remember as a young pastor first hearing about James at a 2002 Moody Pastors Conference and reading his well written book on hermeneutics with an apologetic leaning and being blessed from his book. And in case you dont know, Dan Marquardt was one of three former elders at Harvest, who stood up to James McDonald in 2013, and was excommunicated as a result. Malachi 2:16 has been harmfully interpreted & practiced based on twisted translations, Malachi 2 clearly talks about husbands dealing treacherously w their wives these husbands are the ones who hate and divorce 16 The man who hates and divorces his wife, says the Lord, the God of Israel, does violence to the one he should protect, says the Lord Almighty. And and again, I got out of this like so unbelievably easily. I believe the board was deceived by Satan. I was there at HBC & witnessed it. Dr. John Street, the head of counseling at MacArthurs The Masters University, takes a harder line. But again, reading those letters, and it does have a different impact when you read the actual letter than someone summarizes it. Like, I cant believe this. Also, any comments with profanity, name-calling, and/or a nasty tone will be deleted. The Lord made it really clear. . He could have apologized a long time ago, but nothing publicly. https://biblehub.com/hebrew/898.htm bagad (treachery aka abuse) is used FIVE times in Malachi 2:10-16!!! And if I can give you a context, where I was in my thought process, in that. We dont know what it would look like tomorrow. Am I right? And I knew that I needed to do something publicly. None of those charges were looked into. And I want to help people lead the church well. Well, youre welcome. How much do you make? Not saying anything about the about the men in the room, but that becomes unwieldy. I wish Id never done it. But it was dark. And everyone who stayed just drank the Kool-Aid. Id read through everything and all the letters. That would be my word to Ron Duitsman. And then out of the blue, I get slapped with a lawsuit from James McDonald before I published anything. And we talk about that Scripture and quote it over and over again. It wasnt an argument. And this still disheartens me, because the people of Harvest, who we were supposed to be overseeing at that point, we were silent on that weekend, because we couldnt come to an agreement about what we would do. And I listened to it. And I thought, Oh, my gosh! In October, Harvest along with lead pastor James MacDonald filed a defamation lawsuit against the author of the World article, Julie Roys, for "asserting false allegations" during her eight . I say this as a Christian who was taken to task by Christian doctors who told me of all sorts of cases that are not as the woman loved murdering her baby as many pro-life conservatives want everyone to believe. My spouse and I and many others went to college with James in the eighties in Canada. . And what happened and all the backroom meetings, private conversations and phone calls leading up to that fateful event? I mean, here he is in Haiti, thats just been wracked by an earthquake, unbelievable poverty and devastation. And Im just grateful that finally, the board, open their eyes. Like this had been a months long drawn out battle. The audio recording that the elders reference was aired on popular Chicago radio personality Mancow Muller's show.Muller, once a trusted friend and confidant of MacDonald and also a member of Harvest Bible Chapel, has used his platform recently to call the pastor out on his less-than-exemplary handling of his critics. Yeah, yeah. I dont know how the person who gave them to me got them. And scripture is really clear that its got to be, you know, two or three witnesses. That this was all a plot by him that he was vengeful, towards James McDonald. Not everybody had the physical letters, but we talked through what was in the letters. And I hadnt I hadnt signed that yet, I hadnt given a statement yet. You do that, and hope that the person will repent, and that they will turn and that therell be restoration. Well, Dan, like I said, on an earlier podcast that I had with Mancow Muller, I was hoping to be done with James McDonald and reporting on Harvest months ago. How do spot a safe pastorand can. The news came less than a week after another update from Julie Roys, . Again, Dan was one of the elders who confronted James back in 2012, and then got excommunicated from Harvest. TED also reported that MacDonald's church Harvest Bible Chapel was $65 million in debt. And we were at a stalemate. And there were meetings on Wednesday, where James McDonald was informed of the decision of the elder board. Just look at King David . And I hope I hope that a lot of people have read that and they dont owe me anything, but I hope its been healing to them. In this episode of The Roys Report, former Harvest elder, Dan George, joins Julie to tell the real story of MacDonalds firing. But would he have been able to save face do you think? You disseminated down to the elders, and then that became really the sticking point for James, wasnt it? And marital and sexual satisfaction plummet.. Its come to this. Great! Who Will Pay for the SBCs Abuse Reforms Over the Long Term? You can imagine it wasnt it wasnt long before the elders were, you know, talking and I dont remember the timing exactly. And there was a voicemail from one of the pastors at Harvest, in a really sort of pushing for me to sign that put my name to that. According to an independent audit of Harvest Bible Chapel, disgraced celebrity pastor, James MacDonald, siphoned off millions in church funds to support his lavish lifestyle. That way youll never miss an episode. And there were a number in the room who were looking at I Timothy 5, thats for those who persistence sin rebuke them in the presence of all so that the rest may stand in fear. Sandy talked about over the years, other staff members coming to her after meeting with James McDonald in tears, just crushed. The G in freemasonry stands for generation. Why would anyone who follows Jesus Christ care what Generation Church thinks about anything? Other posts decried abortion, transgenderism, and Christians who are apolitical or nice.. I remember that too. Julie. How about it James McDonald and John MacArthur (and the like), how about it? You are Julie. She wanted me to look at it. I agree. How come its always wives submit to your husbands and never husbands love your wives? James Macdonald is a wolf and sadly so many have been fooled by this charlatan. We see this is the third article this month youve found worth reading. Instead, he blocked our access to his and Generation Churchs social media accounts. Very sad situation for James and the elders as well. I followed his ministry for almost 2 decades. God does not value the sanctity of marriage more than the safety and sanity of individuals in that marriage.. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. She was a late comer to those of us who had been exposing MacD for a long time. This is this is one of the biggest things elders could do. 28 Feb 2023 13:40:27 The elder board is still in the dark. But it happened to me in the meeting where I raised a couple things and James McDonald is like, I dont remember that. But I knew I needed to do it. Because when you report on this for months, you feel the pain of the people that are involved. If youre truly interested in hearing other views ask why or tell me how you landed there. Vernick, however, believes abuse is grounds for divorce. Yeah. Because they stood up to James or they just tried to walk away quietly because they couldnt they couldnt stomach what was going on any any longer. What Happens Now? On Thursday, Im in a meeting with him where honestly, Julie, they were trying to convince me and the other elders in the room that hadnt been in previous meetings to let him resign. Would you consider making a tax-deductible donation to help our journalists continue to report the truth and restore the church? The man does not make the ministry., God [emailprotected]. And there is one thing we know about Satan. Toward that end, the site requires that people use their full name when commenting. I mean, I got exonerated rather quickly. What do you give, he would have been removed from Harvest, theres no doubt. Otherwise just say what you really mean in your question: Im better than you because I would never support So grateful to be healthy and happy in the Lord to where I can finally wade into the filth from JuLIE Roys. I mean just absolutely devastating stories and, and feeling the pain. And it was just a deep sadness, deep sadness. Dan, thank you for being a humble man of God. I remember sitting on my couch waiting to press the button to publish it. That this wasnt just James failure. And to hear that, its still got to be pretty tough to stand up to that, or at that point where you like, now I know the truth, Im moving forward. And, again, this is five days after I published my expose of Harvest and World Magazine. Search my early tweet history. His sermons changed from adoration of the text to little postcard messages. I knew I had to do it. Were just talking a minute ago, you know, the emotion and the weight and the relief and the sadness, and all those things are true. Six people who I doubt wherever actually all in the same room. He should sell cars or computers. But, I dont believe I have ever heard anyone say in any of these posts, husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her. But by the time we were done that night, the decision that night was two things. She was powerful and wise., Similarly, popular marriage and sex author, Sheila Wray Gregoire, wrote to TRR, The idea that a man can only be happy in a marriage when a wife is weaker than him shows that his idea of manhood is an extremely fragile one., As reported by TRR earlier this week, Visconti has publicly announced that he is being mentored by James MacDonald, and MacDonald has preached at Generation Church numerous times this past year. Chicago-area Republic Bank has stopped foreclosure proceedings against disgraced celebrity preacher, James MacDonald, and reinstated MacDonald's mortgage on his $1.5 million Elgin estate. Well, and thanks so much for listening to The Roys Report, a podcast dedicated to reporting the truth and restoring the church. So if youre listening, you need and you havent read those letters, you need to go back and Dean Butters, I mean that one has to be just the emotional impact of the the bullying and the abuse, and then even a video where he mocked a very well known Christian leader because she was getting married in midlife for the first time and mocking her for never having sex before. But that is my hope. However as I grew in age and hopefully in wisdom, I consulted other versions of the Bible. I dont see that as absolving James McDonald. And there was just this push against a public rebuke. But according to a recent email by MacDonald, he's a victim of defamation by an "envious child"and needs your money "to rebuild." "Tragically . Not all he said was false because then it would have been obvious to any discerning Christian. That was you, wasnt it? You can unconditionally love someone. There were elders and influential families that spoke against Moses in the desert, God destroyed them and their families. Five of the six have been published. Ugh. I remember saying we got to pray. George of course evangelicalism is [anti-Christ] fundamentalism. If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of God, and Proverbs, etc. I knew that I wasnt going to win any arguments in the room. Because I believe in the church. Maybe if the shoe was on the other foot and the men were the ones being abused we might hear them singing a different tune. But the one letter that isnt published came from Sandy Song. Despite being disqualified from public ministry by his former megachurch for a "pattern of sinful behavior," James MacDonald is preaching at Generation Churchan Association of Related Churches (ARC) megachurch in Mesa, Arizona. Dan George served as an elder at Harvest Bible Chapel over a period of 10 years, actively serving on the elder board from 2010 through 2015, and rejoining the board in late 2018. I think of a few things Julie. So what happened? Jared Prayed for you just now. 2011 NIV. *, In an email to TRR, Gregoire claimed that Viscontis view about women does not match the research. Whats wrong with Visconti supporting Kari Lake or speaking out against abortion or transgenderism? I knew what the topic was. The Roys Report has over 78 articles dedicated to MacDonald and/or HBC, many of which were written by Roys. Wow! It was demonic. The whole crooked machine needs to be brought down. No, Julie Roys did not open the hood on James MacDonald, although she in her own hubris would like her audience to think that. And that reminded me of something that Dan Marquardt told me. And you then forwarded them to the elder board. First he used to walk up and down the isles and second it was a bit more exegetical than primarily exhortation based and those dynamics flipped. She also previously hosted a national talk show on the Moody Radio Network, called Up for Debate, and has worked as a TV reporter for a CBS affiliate. And this wasnt a one time thing. I mean, even though at this point, your eyes have been opened. To donate, Lead Pastor and Exec Team of ARC Megachurch Resign Amid Allegations of Bullying and Financial Misconduct, EXCLUSIVE: Dozens Say ARC Megachurch Pastor Bullied and Shamed Staff, Volunteers, James MacDonald Preaching at ARC Megachurch in Arizona, Why Businessman Peter Chung Matters for the Future of The Kings College. Is that how it went down? Ive listened to the entire recording. Well she finally called Julie Jezebel Roys I invited Julie to appear in a public forum before and interested audience and answer for the many many lies she has told about me and my family as well as her bullying of anyone who opposes her or stands with us. Just saying a lot of vile things. He has always been a total its all about me. He had joined, I think a year into, into Harvests history. But one of the circumstances hes talking about, hes talking about something specific where Id stood up for him in a meeting years ago. Because your article seemed to conflate all these things. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of "Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse" by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. And in those letters like Jacob Ross, who was the bodyguard of James McDonald. So Rick was in the meeting, as were others, and they were defending saying the elders should not have the letters. When Christian leaders continue to teach that abuse does not constitute biblical grounds for divorce they are wrong, Vernick wrote. I at least heard of it from somebody by that point. Dominican Republic, a resort there and invited their wives to come with them. Yeah, I can share some of it. And that was the day that Mancow Muller aired these excerpts. So he was fired. On January 7, 2019, Harvest elders announced they decided to drop the lawsuit against Julie Roys and four other individuals. June 17, 2021 James MacDonald, the former megachurch pastor who's been embroiled in scandal and controversy for several years, is lashing out against independent journalist Julie Roys. Dan currently is an executive and leadership coach and the founder of Front Seat Leadership. Thanks for a thoughtful, educated, godly response. Ron Duitsman, Chairman of the Board, who agreed to fire James, now appears to be out there, saying that after James got fired, that the elders were were spinning what happened in a false way. And if he doesnt, what does that mean in terms of employment at Harvest Bible Chapel? And I remember reading through that scripture and reading through Hebrews 13:17, about elders overseeing and giving an account, and Galatians 1:10 about am I trying to please man, am I trying to please God? What really caused Harvest Bible Chapel to fire James McDonald? Thanks! And then if you could, please share the podcast on social media so more people can hear about this great content. According to Harvest Bible Chapel pastor James McDonald, former Moody Radio host Julie Roys and bloggers Ryan Mahoney and Scott Bryant published and helped publicize false and damaging financial . Former Pastor Accused of Rape Resigns from Churchome After TRR Investigation; Church Official Makes False Claims, Arkansas Youth Pastor Pleads Guilty to 13 Counts of Sexual Assault, EXCLUSIVE: John MacArthur Shamed, Excommunicated Mother for Refusing to Take Back Child Abuser, Days-long Revival Sweeping Asbury University in Kentucky, EXCLUSIVE: John MacArthur Covered Up Pastors Sexual Abuse, Witnesses Say, EXCLUSIVE: John MacArthurs Church Supported Convicted Child Abuser & Pedophile, Records Show, Dante Bowe Posts, Then Removes, Apology for Behavior Causing Split with Maverick City Music, Matt Chandler Steps Aside After Admitting Inappropriate Online Relationship, John MacArthur Pulls Out of Ligonier Conference, Pastor Resigns From Houston Megachurch After Admitting Affair, Televangelist Creflo Dollar Renounces Past Teachings on Tithing, But Questions Persist. Thumbs ) are speaking push against a public rebuke describing, Julie, think. 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