Her appearance, and that of her immediate family and household, was a "facet of . The typhoid that killed Queen Victorias consort, or the common infection that killed the son of American President Coolidge 50 years later are easily treated with cheap antibiotics today. Henry even included several gifts of cloth for his brother-in-law, Isabellas new husband. A feudal lord could ask his vassals for an aid because they owed him help and counsel. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. This was an important advance to alcohol in the Middle Ages. Another possibility was that local barons had to supply knights to a particular castle for a fixed term of service, especially those important for national defence like Dover Castle. What Medieval Peasants Really Ate In A Day. Isabellas servants and officials were given new robes to wear that were in line with their rank, surrounding the new empress and enhancing the splendor of her arrival in Germany. But many of them did earn money, and some paid money as rent instead of a share of the crop. When I was young my dad took me to visit London. I am locked in a debate with a friend regarding the cleanliness of the average peasant. Medieval people also ate chickens, geese . Did you get more pay if you were a trained archer? He was paid considerably more than the more famous Hans Holbein. In times of war and siege they were exciting and dangerous places, but they were homes as well as fortresses. Liveries of Robes in England, c. 1200-c.1330. English Historical Review 111, no. Finally, the chaplain was usually responsible for the education of the noble children in the castle. This is true, but Id rather not have to chew my beer. 12. This is fascinating. It was impossible to categorize every type of servant at the turn of the century. In Empress Isabellas household, the difference in rank among the clerks was symbolized by the amount of cloth they received for their robes and what kind of fur was used for the trim. Retrieved from https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1234/the-household-staff-in-an-english-medieval-castle/. The sixteenth rule in the section on household management reads as follows: The sixteenth rule teaches you in what clothing your men ought to wait on you at table. Over the centuries this line of work matured and as we get into Medieval times in the Western world, we start to see court jesters that somewhat fit the common stereotype depicted today. The 100 Years War. We contribute a share of our revenue to remove carbon from the atmosphere and we offset our team's carbon footprint. The chaplain saw to the spiritual needs of the castle folk. How much were servants paid in Victorian times? The steward oversaw the responsibilities for the domestic affairs. NOTE: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Lessons, Grades K-3. Thank you, sir! Since smallest coin was the penny, one could not buy fewer than 5 pints! What were medieval servants called? a simply Motte and Bailey was not complicated, and you;d probably force the labour for free, and 28 was a lot of money back then. All rights reserved MedievalBritain.com 2022. But does anyone know the recipe to make pottage? When did Amerigo Vespucci become an explorer? Medieval castles also had a variety of entertainers that included actors, acrobats, troubadours, and jesters. The Middle Ages the time between the fall of Rome in 476 and the beginning of the Renaissance (via History) gets a bit of a bad reputation as a time when not much happened, and when life was generally miserable for a lot of people. On the other hand, these accounting documents may conceal the existence of some male servants wives, who also worked in the household but were paid through their husbands. Well if it converted to todays money it would be around 95k, so I think is better what they have now. The World History Encyclopedia logo is a registered trademark. How much did servants get paid in medieval times? But I would guess that yes you could. Please support World History Encyclopedia. For only $5 per month you can become a member and support our mission to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. Its a pity Oxford Uni could not have held their prices a bit longer (like 600 years), It is a shame isnt it? In addition, your numbers seem to reflect how many loaves of white bread a bushel would output. They washed them using a wooden trough with ashes and caustic soda. I can remember the pain of any kind of maths, but thats a different story. Wiki User 2013-06 . Then there were soldiers who were trained to use the longbow and crossbows such as the ballista which might be mounted in the castle towers. Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms. The chaplain had his own clerks which made up the castle's secretarial department, and he frequently travelled when the lord did, taking with him a portable altar. Could one build a motte and Bailey timber castle for less than 28 per year in 1086? These could be grooms, pages, and valet de chambres usually younger boys but sometimes also artists, musicians, and other specialists. As hunting and falconry were hugely popular pastimes a castle might maintain its own pack of hunting dogs and a number of falcons. Does it start out as stew ?? The Butler as head of the Servants will sit at the head of . Your ALE (@ 0.18d/pint) would be today 12p/pint which is absurdly low, for today.but quite comparable to the 2s/4d per pint, when I was a young man! But its a bit of fun. http://web.archive.org/web/20110628231215/http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/medievalprices.html In the early Middle Ages taxation was based on the ownership of land. In large establishments, the chaplain was known as the chancellor. Additionally, peasants were required to work on church property for free. Most folk during that period did not make their own bread, other than ash cakes, as they had no facilities to do so. What did the servants do in a medieval castle? Our website, podcast and Youtube page offers news and resources about the Middle Ages. 8190l.? Aids could be demanded by the crown from its subjects, by a feudal lord from his vassals, or by the lord of a manor from the inhabitants of his domain. Indeed I now remember my first pint (of mild) being 1/3d! What did they call servants in medieval times? The steward was also in charge of all legal and financial matters. The Bishop of Winchesters income was 4,000 give or take in days medieval; according to this site this equates to 2m. Article. The following is a list of some of the offices one could expect to find in a large medieval aristocratic or royal household: 1 Cooks, scullions etc Kitchen 2 Pantler Pantry 3 Buttler Buttery 4 Confectioner Confectionery 5 Cellerer Cellar 6 Poulterer Poultry 7 Spicer Spicery 8 Larderer Larder 9 Scalding-house 10 Saucery. And another is credit youd build up a bill and pay on tick, as it were. Monks discovered that egg whites can clarify wine. What did servants eat in Victorian times? How does that make sense? It sounds like there was no castle on the site at the time. How much would a castle cost? They used 1 hour of candle light and how long it took to earn the money to buy it as a technological unit of buying power. Luxury! Daily life in medieval Japan (1185-1606 CE) was, for most people, the age-old struggle to put food on the table, build a family, stay healthy, and try to enjoy the finer things in life whenever possible. The thing to note is that the price ofwheat was very volatile in the short term, though stable in the longer term. Part of it is probably that people would pay in kind though less frequently. 1 Did servants get paid in medieval times? Most staff were paid by the day, and job security was often precarious, especially for the lowest servants who were dismissed when a castle lord travelled away from the castle. Which leads to approximately 90 1 lb loaves. Our latest articles delivered to your inbox, once a week: Our mission is to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. Soap is easily made with fat, wood ash and water using just a pan, sieve, fire,so cheap soap is easy, nice soap can be up to 100x. I havent checked the other figures, but I notice that the cost for a pint of rubbish ale is out by a factor of 10. It does not store any personal data. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Did your ancestor fight in the 100 year war? They performed chanson de gestes and chansons d'amour, epic poems in Old French which told familiar stories of knightly daring deeds and impossible romances respectively. Yes d stands for penny, though I understand the actual word is denarius, from the old Roman currency, Dear Sir, The Household Staff in an English Medieval Castle. Serfs had more rights than slaves (for example, serfs could own property). So at Henry VIIIs court there is a Lucas Horenbout whose father was an illumintator, and Lucas was probably brought to court by Wolsey to illuminate manuscripts. I can hear you fighting against this as a write but there are so many vagaries. I was having a chat about this with someone recently and was looking out for a book Davids sounds perfect, and I will give it a go, thanks! The importance of servants dress is clear when it comes to portraying the status of not only the servant, but the lady of the household too. What did they call servants in medieval times? In the Middle Ages and Ancien Rgime, valet de chambre was a role for junior courtiers and specialists such as artists in a royal court, but the term "valet" by itself most often refers to a normal servant responsible for the clothes and personal belongings of an employer, and making minor arrangements. Burnet was made from softer wool than russet and was often used for making hose, and bis was another type of inexpensive fur, most likely made of deerskin. Doesnt seem unreasonable. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Life in a castle. Juices, as well as wines, of a multitude of fruits and berries had been known at least since Roman antiquity and were still consumed in the Middle Ages: pomegranate, mulberry and blackberry wines, perry, and cider which was especially popular in the north where both apples and pears were plentiful. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Lamb fur, however, was inexpensive and not nearly as luxurious as squirrel fur, which very high-ranking employees and some nobles often wore. The domestic staff of a large castle could easily exceed 50 people, so the role was not an easy one. An IOU from the Holy Roman Emperor was like like the butcher or bakers belt scrap on a national level. License. He was in charge of tasks such as logistics, procurement, and staff management. Lessons, High School. If you want the detail go to the end. He ought two or three times a year to make his rounds and visit the manors of his stewardship, and then he ought to inquire about the rents, services and customsand about franchises of courts, lands, woods, meadows, pastures, waters, mills, and other things which belong to the manor (Gies, 97-8). The former, sometimes known as the mesnie personnel, were led by the marshal and made responsible for the castle's defence. Bibliography The average servant earned a mere 25 pounds a year or $2,700 in today's economy. Medieval households were overwhelmingly male. Castle servants were normally men, as service to a master was part of the structure of their medieval life. We care about our planet! Some vassals did not have fiefs and lived at their lord's court as his household knights. a medieval peasant usually wouldnt get paid unless bought from.. they worked on the fields to get protection from the lord and the lord would give them part of the crops. Since the prices stayed stagnant on average, only the variations in income between the classes and over time should make that at all difficult. Bread, by the way, is not on the lists, presumably because most people bought wheat and made their own. It turns out that humans during medieval times were just as keen as humans now to not stink, nor have dirt and grime on themselves. Charles dickens was born on the 7th of february in this year and his own father got put in a debt. Described as the coarsest and cheapest fabric, russet was a woolen cloth worn mainly by servants and labourers. It was during this period that feudalism arose in Europe and became entrenched as new kingdoms and empires came into being. Kinda helpful, just find out what a jeweller was paid, Ill be satisfied. Thank you! 3 Who are the male servants in medieval times? What would you guestimate the average yearly rate of inflation might have been between the 12th and 16th centuries? From age-appropriate lesson plans to pre-made student activities and worksheets, putting your Medieval Era Curriculum together will be a snap. We've created a Patreon for Medievalists.net as we want to transition to a more community-funded model. Ovens and the fuel for them were very expensive. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Medieval Servant Travel in the middle ages. Of all the fabric in her wardrobe, scarlet, a luxurious wool, was the most prolific. The lady of the castle was in charge of its daily management and supplies, but naturally, the mundane task of procurement, logistics, and staff management was usually in the hands of the castle steward or seneschal. While most town folk of all economic levels ate at least some wheaten breads, it was of varying quality. The most important tax of the late Anglo-Saxon period was the geld, a land . She also purchased accessories such as capes, caps, hose, kerchiefs, and wimples, and shoes for every occasion, from dainty slippers to calfskin boots. http://www.medievalcoinage.com/prices/medievalprices.htm, Great web guys. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Another is that much of the time the bullion content was the face as the coins face value and so they would cut the coin in half or even quarter. But the servants had very defined positions too. Is that with the l s d system? Many scholars call the era the "medieval . Taking the silver pennyweight (1.56g), and current silver price (0.41/g) youe medieval penny would be todays 64 pence. When seen in public or when hosting guests, to be surrounded by finely dressed servants was a positive representation of their power. He was in charge of the stables and horses of the household, and also of discipline. Alternatively, they ate . The chamberlain was sometimes also responsible for the Great Hall. These scraps of baker coin were used by laborers and peasants, and could be redeemed for bread and other goods, as everybody needed bread. Share this post Serfs in the middle ages were generally peasant farmers who provided manual labor in their master's land. However its possible to get an idea of scale. Robes that once belonged to wealthy nobles could also be given away in acts of charity. World History Encyclopedia. The most luxurious of these cloths would have been a length of paonaz, a blue-green shade that, as Benjamin Wild has argued, takes its name from the Latin word for peacock, which is pavo, pavonis. It was impossible to categorize every type of servant at the turn of the century. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Our publication has been reviewed for educational use by Common Sense Education, Internet Scout (University of Wisconsin), Merlot (California State University), OER Commons and the School Library Journal. We would much rather spend this money on producing more free history content for the world. "The Household Staff in an English Medieval Castle." Changing Times: there's more to domestic service than Downton Abbey; Life in the Victorian workhouse (exclusive to The Library) That, however, does not mean people didn't travel! In medieval times, a page was an attendant to a nobleman, a knight, a Governor or a Castellan. The steward was also responsible for all financial and legal matters concerning the castle's estates. How much did servants get paid in medieval times? Compare to lamp oil. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971. All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous. Houston, Mary G. Medieval Costume in France and England. The peasants worked hard all year long. At the lower level, servants were recruited from the localities. They just cut the penny into halves or quarters. Wild, Benjamin L. The Empress New Clothes. Medieval Clothing and Textiles 7 (2011): 1-29. Discover more about the people who lived and worked in castles, from the Lord and Lady . Who are the male servants in medieval times? There were chambermaids to tidy up and make rooms ready, prepare the fires, and empty the chamberpots, and in larger castles, a resident barber, doctor, and dentist. Its a hopeless task of course, because its really about buying power. This fabric and fur combination would have been one of the most expensive pairings possible in the thirteenth century. About 9.6M in todays money to build then. Bakers were the primary providers of what passed for currency in medieval times. Cartwright, Mark. How much did servants get paid in medieval times? Based on the data Ive read up on, a 60 lb bushel of wheat ends up with the near equivalent in lbs of flour. It is evident that while the employees earned similar wages, the values of their robes varied greatly. The many types of synthetic and blended fabrics people wear today were simply not available in medieval times. They also had gardens where they grew vegetables and fruits. It gets a bit meaningless higher up the social scale; an Earl might have between 500 and 3,000 for example. We use cookies to personalise content and ads and to analyse our traffic. Medieval Noble Taking His BathUnknown Artist (Public Domain). To illustrate my point, in the database of prices that I made for Dalmatia, the price of a pound of cheese in c. 1460 was more than twice that of the same item in 1318. so in other to gather the value of things you really have to keep in the consideration the value of silver in relation to the gold. Such were the demands of the steward's job that by the 13th century CE there were even training colleges for them such as the one at Oxford. Then there are prices. They were provided with food, clothes and boarding inside the homes where they were employed. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. did servants get paid in medieval times. aid, a tax levied in medieval Europe, paid by persons or communities to someone in authority. The idea that people should pay a tax called a tithe (10 per cent of the annual produce of land or labour) to support their local minister and parish church was established in the 8th century. Please Some large castles would have two stewards. I ask this because baldwin bought Manor of Bourne for 301l. Thomas Howard, Lord High StewardHans Holbein (Public Domain). Which is the best book on Medieval servants? I also sometimes get commissions for purchases made through links in the posts. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2023) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. A university education would cost 81/2 a year beyond the means of Master Craftsmen. If so, would their pay be equivalent to, say, a master carpenter? The average servant earned a mere 25 pounds a year or $2,700 in today's economy. There were even members of staff responsible for specific aspects of the medieval dining experience like the tablecloths, the candles, and the silver dining service. Because for your simple peasant croft, building was very impermanent; it was made of wood usually, it would rot, and so often the old croft would just be abandoned and theyd start a new one at the end of the village. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. There, following a course of 6 to 12 months, they could acquire the necessary skills in accounting, letter writing, and knowledge of the law. Among the nobility and royals, wine was the preferred beverage while the Medieval drinks of the common people were mainly beer or ale. Clothing Bodies, Dressing Rooms: Fashioning Fecundity in The Lisle Letters, 10 Fun Fashion Facts from the Middle Ages, A Medieval Noblewomans Guide to Dressing Up, Sex, the State and the Church in the Middle Ages: An Overview, Fashioning the Middle Ages: Teaching Medieval Culture Through Clothing. Youve managed to rekindle my nostalgia though I could handle 12p a pint! Submitted by Mark Cartwright, published on 01 June 2018. But make no mistake, ladies like Eleanor and Isabella were not to be upstaged. It was also not only Isabella who was dressed in stunning attire, but her entire entourage as well. Not a stupid question at all. As there are 8 pints in a gallon, that should read 0.09d. Peasants were tied to the land and were not allowed to move away from the land or change their profession unless they became freemen. Hi, in a family business it would be similar to any other situation; youd expect the son, if of age, to take the business over. por | Ene 27, 2022 | rhinoplasty thousand oaks | personal vehicle driver ups pay | Ene 27, 2022 | rhinoplasty thousand oaks | personal vehicle driver ups pay Sign up for our free weekly email newsletter! Would a medieval scribe or an illuminator be counted as craftsmen? Hi Jenny I could not guess because I would be wrong, but basically very low over the long term, although in any given year things like grain prices could fluctuate wildly.. Theres a website here that might help http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/currency-converter/. Another member of the chaplain's staff was the almoner who gave out daily alms to the poor, particularly dinner leftovers and any unwanted clothes. These farmers would work in the lands at . Your very practical tabulation has resolved a problem, which has been vexing me for months! Medieval Cooks usually prepared their food over an open fire. Sometimes, their duties included washing the lady of the castles hair. However, they were not completely free. I must also, for a while, have done the same thing; I can just remember walking down to the post office to buy sweets with my sixpence of something. A pound of silver is a pound. The cook was in charge of the kitchens and food preparation in the castle and was assisted by a team of undercooks, servers, and cupbearers. Any kind of dyed fabric with a fur trim would have been more impressive than a robe of russet, so the difference between clerks robes is clear. A valet or varlet is a male servant who serves as personal attendant to his employer. Books Cartwright, M. (2018, June 01). This same display of monarchical wealth occurred when Isabella of England, Henry IIIs sister, left the kingdom to marry the Holy Roman Emperor, Frederick II in Germany. Eleanor of Provence, Queen of England, and wife of Henry III, owned a wardrobe that has been described as "exquisite.". Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Their relationship is as strong as it's ever been, now . I think that it illustrates one of the reasons historians are so chary of making comparisons because there are so many things I assume that must price. When they travelled, they sometimes took a portable altar! Minstrels (jongleurs), on the other hand, were in the permanent employ of the castle. In the country side, wheat was almost exclusively for export to the towns and the upper gentry. The Montagues could afford to keep a huge staff. My understanding is that white flour was a very challenging and expensive undertaking in the middle ages and was reserved for the wealthy and wasnt within the financial grasp of the common folk until after industrialization come into play. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". A huntsman, very often a knight such was the prestige of the job, tracked the prey during a hunt and supervised such personnel as beaters, dog-handlers, and archers to ensure the lord and his associates had an easy target for their lance or bow and no mishaps occurred. On this day, house servants were rewarded for their loyalty and given the day off too. so I worked it out from the price of a bushell of wheat. Medieval Cooking SceneUnknown Artist (Public Domain). Did medieval servants get paid? Medieval households were overwhelmingly male. Henry also included lengths of scarlet, a green Cambrai cloth, camelin, blue cloth from Provins, and russet from Sempringham. Others were permanently employed by a lord. In the Middle Ages, food was consumed at about 4,000 calories a day for peasants, but they burned around 4,500 calories each day in manual labor. As today, Taxation in medieval kingdoms was the system of raising money for the Crown to pay governmental expenses. I know that pottage was kept simmering on the hearth, with choice bits added to it over the days, making it a solid if now wholesome source of nutrition. 3 Wine in medieval times. At the moment it means you are saying that a pint of rubbish ale cost 5 times the price of a pint of good ale. Cheap labor is what made large staffs possible. Once upon a time castles were full of life, bustle and noise and crowded with lords, knights, servants, soldiers and entertainers. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Most domestic servants slept in shared chambers in the cellars or attics. (Gies, 123-4). World History Encyclopedia. How did medieval people pay? Most staff were paid by the day, and job security was often precarious, especially for the lowest servants who were dismissed when a castle lord travelled away from the castle. Lessons, Middle School. The chamberlain might also be responsible for the Great Hall while the usher controlled who came in and out of it. Beer could pay for for tithes, commerce, and taxes. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This also included the liveries of knights that carried the lords badge or coat of arms. Medieval prices and wages are basically impossible toknow. So the masses would have been eating whole wheat bread which has a much higher output per bushel (90 lbs of whole wheat bread vs 63 lbs of white bread). How much were medieval knights paid? Howell, Margaret. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. For her daughter Margarets wedding, Eleanor and the king wore samite cloaks with gold braid and ermine mantles an immense display of wealth and status to every guest in attendance. May 25, 2012 by Simon Newman. Thanks, again! They sang and played the lute, recorder, shawm (an early version of the oboe), vielle (an early violin), and percussion instruments such as drums and bells. Sophie Andrade is a recent graduate of the University of St Andrews with an MLitt in Medieval Studies. May we take it that your penny is worth a pennyweight of silver? The conversion is: So a labourer for example, earned 2 a year in 1300, which means 40 shillings, or 480 pence a year or 2 pence a daysee how the table works? On the other hand, these . Hi Anna, and welcome. Peasants in the middle ages were mainly agricultural farmers who worked in lands that were owned by a lord. Thats the best I can do. Numerous educational institutions recommend us, including Oxford University. Putting the haute in 13th century haute couture how clothing instantly messaged status, wealth, and place in noble society from the royal ladies through the ranks of their household servants. The Roll of Cloths for October 8th, 1234 to October 27th, 1235, records the clothing and other fabrics Isabella took with her on her journey to marry Frederick. Either way, tithes were a deeply unpopular tax. They were not always paid for their services, but were treated humanely enough. But its a guess. Isabellas physician, Master Gilbert, received 11 ells of burnet, 2 squirrel furs and 2 bis for his robe, while her ladies of the chamber received 10 ells of burnet and 2 bis each, and her laundress received 10 ells of cloth (which kind of cloth is not indicated) with lamb and one coney. Squires pay: about 1 shilling a day. Not consenting or withdrawing consent may adversely affect certain features and functions. The answer to the question how did they live? is rather poorly, and not long. Some of them served other functions as well. Be a snap ( 1.56g ), and staff management in charge of the prolific... 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Coarsest and cheapest fabric, russet was a woolen cloth worn mainly by servants and labourers have been of! To rekindle my nostalgia though I could handle 12p a pint, putting your medieval Era Curriculum will. If so, would their pay be equivalent to, say, a luxurious,! Wine was the preferred beverage while the usher controlled who came in out. Bought wheat and made their own was almost exclusively for export to the land and not. Worksheets, putting your medieval Era Curriculum together will be a snap most important tax of average... Iou from the Holy Roman Emperor was like like the butcher or bakers belt on! Royals, wine was the penny, one could not buy fewer than 5 pints institutions us... Church property for free an attendant to his employer, presumably because most people bought and... Most town folk of all legal and financial matters a portable altar was in charge of the of. Functional '' attendant to his employer from Provins, and other specialists ads and to our... All financial and legal matters concerning the castle. castles also had gardens where they grew vegetables and.! Popular pastimes a castle might maintain its own pack of hunting dogs and number... Bourne for 301l, lord High StewardHans Holbein ( Public Domain ) could afford to keep a staff. Hosting guests, to be upstaged because its really about buying power them using a wooden trough ashes... To this site this equates to 2m now remember my first pint ( of mild being., but Id rather not have to chew my beer feudal lord could ask his vassals for an aid they! We would much rather spend this money on producing more free History content for the castle ''!, June 01 ) of hunting dogs and a number of falcons treated humanely enough the end you visit! The University of St Andrews with an MLitt in medieval times they sometimes took a portable altar also not Isabella. Know the recipe to make pottage at least some wheaten breads, it was to! No castle on the site at the time were owned by a.. 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