The County General Plan recognizes that agriculture is an important element in Kauais identity as a rural place, and it represents our greatest opportunity for economic diversification and food self-sufficiency. Since being elected in 2018, I have been reaching to collaborate with the various departments of the State of Hawaii, and Federal granting to identify pathways for hazard and flood mitigation. The Kauai Tourism Strategic Plan clearly outlines that our infrastructure only has the capacity for 25,000 daily visitors but that we are almost always above that. A strong area of economic diversification that has rapidly and recently grown is residents who remote work or have other avenues of external income. By increasing rates closer to US continental rates, we make it less attractive for offshore buyers to buy property in Hawaii and run TVRs. of Water Planners updating the County Water Plan to guide system expansion, improvement, rehabilitation, and rate structures that support growth consistent with housing development plans; and, Making sure our County encourages, steers and incentivizes residential developments in Lihu`e in order to take advantage of that treatment plants significant excess capacity. Reduce, reuse, recycle is a key component. Kauai County Councilmember Ross Kagawa. According to the Department of Business and Economic Development, the average daily rate for TVRs in 2022 is $386.74 compared to $279.70 in 2019. Please feel welcome to call me if you need me. We are wise to remember that these classes of properties have subsidized Kauais working resident-homeowners for decades. Kauai County Council. Another focus is to create infrastructure incentives for workforce housing and affordable housing in town core centers such as Hanapp, Kloa, Lhue, Kapaa, and Klauea. I Want to plant more fruits and vegetables that can be dried and sold. I support upgrades, maintenance and necessary safety changes. At the moment, that is the only element of the proposed Master Plan that I support. Getting together with the State to support (perhaps w/ land & water) the establishment of agricultural community villages for our homeless interested in growing food for their own survival for starters. The county recycling program needs to be refreshed as soon as possible. I love this island, I put my name on the ballot to make an effort for positive change. Im committed to having an open- door policy and look forward to working with our businesses. Not everyone gets a second chance. If Im not mistaken, I believe this position of parity on real property taxes has been one supported by the Hawai`i Lodging & Tourism Association (HLTA) and Im thinking of the Kaua`i Chamber also. Putting this price tag of a MURF on our residence of Kauai will cripple their monthly budget. Rice Camp Senior Housing, Lihue, Kauai. And, of course, I really appreciate all of you being willing to engage with us when we reach out to you! Kauai's newest County Council member is Ross Kagawa, a former councilman who was the first runner-up for a seat on the seven-member legislative body in the November election. A policy I wish to develop is the ability of a tax class to change in the middle of a budget year. We can do this by continuing to support our government institutions, schools, hospitals, catering companies, and hotels to use more local ingredients. I support the improvements to terminal holdroom, public and employee parking expansion and the ticket lobby improvement project if they are to accommodate existing passenger numbers and not increase them. I would like to hold a town hall meeting specifically for business owners and allow the people to voice their concerns, solutions and ideas to us so that we can go to work on what specifics our community needs. We would need to work together to look at giving incentives to property owners who rent out their home for a reasonable rate i.e. We must continue programs like Go Farm Hawaii, Future Farmers of America, and Iwi Kua. In fact, Councilmember Cowden and I have been in the process of drafting a resolution in support of those very sentiments that we have been hearing from many of our constituents. A benefit is an infusion of capital, on island, through their spending. The low hanging fruit is to allow the development of the DHHL farmlands which allows for housing. Photo Courtesy: Ross Kagawa. Incentivizing Private Developers & Infill Development in Town Cores Working with Council Chair Kaneshiro, Housing Director Roversi and Mayor Kawakami weve brought about critically needed improvements to our Housing Policy incentivizing private developers to build more units especially in our town core areas close to existing infrastructure where weve also created Special Management Areas encouraging higher density housing projects like four-plexes, townhomes and apartments. Our Public Works department does a relatively good job of handling their responsibilities. To ensure short and long term fiscal health, we need to: 1) Reinvest in our existing towns. Also, if the project to relocate Runway 3-21 will be to facilitate an increase of visitors, I think it should be postponed. The compound annual growth rate of the passengers incoming between 2018-2023 is 3.2% at a time where I do not think we can cope with increased visitors and many feel we are at capacity. Having good common sense in our decision-making process that not all council members have. Read more Mahalo for reading. Create positive contributions to the quality of life for Kauais residents. Every study on affordability includes increasing supply as a prerequisite for affordability. In the next two years I would like to see the state and county working together, an in-flight video that visitors must watch before arrival and to track the movement of visitors so that maintenance and management of those areas can be prioritized. My first focus would be to help local working families by creating incentives and reducing the financial barriers for additional dwelling units and additional rental units. However, due the close proximity to the airport and birds that could pose a hazard to the airport area, this location is no longer acceptable. Also working with DHHL to revitalize their Ag lands in Anahola is on my agenda. In the interim, tourists would be housed in hotels where they could move about the grounds . First order of business is to site a new landfill location soon. I know they paid their shade of taxes during COVID when none of them had any revenue coming in, but I would like to ensure those local families who had their family vacation rentals not get priced out. 0 of 16 precincts reporting. 2. And that the majority of vacation rentals on Kauai are owned by non-residents. To start the county could start with preparing and feeding our soil to give agriculture ventures a boost when they are ready. I would use my management skills from working for Central Parking in Managing parking for Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center, Halekulani Hotel, and Hawaii Prince Hotel managing 19 employees and a 2.5 million dollar budget. We must do everything we can to focus on waste reduction and diversion tactics. This also makes us more resilient to climate disasters elsewhere. TVRs on Kauai are taxed at $9.85. One important goal is to build, attract and retain a 21st century workforce with strategies of 1) providing our workforce with the skills they need to be gainfully employed, 2) assisting our schools in meeting college and career expectations; and 3) addressing talent gaps and brain drain by positioning Kauai as a desirable place for people to live and work. My concern is with the proposed forecast increase over the next few years. And we have enough land to support it all the issues are water infrastructure, high land costs, and low margins leading to a lack of willing farmers. Tourism remains a valued economic sector, as other sectors have emerged to offer greater stability and opportunity for the island. I believe that I can relate to and understand the needs of our diverse community and honor our unique and valuable history and culture while making good decisions for our future. We have implemented a shoreline set back already. I was unable to access the Airport Development Plan Chapter of the Lihue Airport Master Plan and the Implementation Plan Chapter, both I feel I need to better understand areas I may oppose. As we push development into our agricultural areas, were forcing residents into longer and longer commutes. This sets up a more regenerative visitor economy. We must also support our County working in partnership with private entities wherever possible and proposing new residential developments in Lihu`e in order to take advantage of that treatment plants significant excess capacity. One of my favorite quotes is, Life is in the follow-up. Ill work closely with our departments and do regular follow-ups to make sure things stay on a timeline. I was the recipient of the congress Bundestag scholarship and lived in Germany for a year. The restorative agricultural practices, community engagement, and land preservation is vital for a thriving agricultural sector. One of the many lessons that Ive learned in my four years on the County Council is the value of listening before making a decision. We need more charging stations. If the Master Plan does not contain an option for no-growth in arriving flights, I think its important for our State Legislators to commit to not fund improvements meant to expand capacity. And by doing so, we can also keep money in our local economy and save residents money. Expanding our local products and supporting their local consumption, as well as export markets, is key to growth for the agricultural sector. Our Kauai Climate Change Adaptation Plan will indeed include Managed Retreat, a difficult response to coastal erosion where oceanfront property structures are demolished and rebuilt inland. That we are talking to our Senators and House Representatives and making them accountable that we receive a piece of the pie that is equitable. And I believe that that is one of the best tools that we have to increase the cost of traveling to Hawaii, reduce numbers at some of our overcrowded sites, and raise money for our infrastructure and natural resources preservation. Supporting and growing our Kaua`i Made and Kaua`i Grown programs. The Lihue Town Core Special Planning Area has been zoned to have up to 80 units/acre to incentivize private development in this area in proximity to many jobs. Advocating for watershed protection for continued flow of water in wet seasons and dry. Serving Kauai these last four years has been the greatest honor of my life and I am incredibly grateful to the voters for giving me this opportunity. A carrying capacity study needs to be done immediately. Past administrations and councils do not favor audits for reasons that I cannot comprehend. A small Dairy to produce milk and cheese for our Hawaii population of people and local restaurants and Hotels would be another viable industry if position in the right geographical area, up Mauka. Posted in . We have to ensure that those that have dedicated their lives to the county are covered for their retirement and health care needs. I would help with any kind of communication that I can do as a county council member. QUESTION #4How would you effectively manage the County Budget and operations for the short term and long-term sustainability? After the second presentation on May 17, I appreciate the 4 different alternatives for solutions to improving our Lhue Airport. Kauai County Subarea Health Planning Council Minutes of September 15, 2022 Page 3 of 3 information/data to further assess the health care needs of the community. We have major road works happening over the next few years. QUESTION #7What is your opinion of the Kauai Destination Management Action Plan (DMAP)? While we advocate for healing ourselves, we must also demand healing for our environment. Kauai Councilmember Luke Evslin to fill empty, Three from Kauai nominated to fill Hawaii House, Luke Evslin of Kauai sworn into Hawaii House of, No Changes to General Election Ballot Following, Public invited to attend inauguration of Kaua'i, who is now a member of the Hawaii House of Representatives, build a hotel at the site of the former Coco Palms resort. Eventually, we will need more inward and upward roads to deal with sea level rise and the flooding out of our highway along the shoreline. We need to start with providing more agricultural programs and awareness in all of our schools starting from preschool and really working hands on with the elementary schools. can be prohibitively costly to maintain. And lastly, I dont take any donations from anyone, so I can assure all of my voters, no one business, special interest group and or individuals control my decisions, Billy DeCosta, works for the people and all you need to donate to his campaign is your VOTE ! While I support Policy D.4, in recognizing that zoning is a critical aspect of regulating vacation rentals, admittedly I wish there was a stronger policy on vacation rentals. Private partnerships may be required, such as small scale anaerobic digesters under consideration. As a small business owner, President of Rice Street Business Association, Board member of Lhue Business Association, and former board member of the Kauai Chamber of Commerce and Kauai Filipino Chamber of Commerce, I love working with our business community in solving our mutual challenges. An example of innovative work is the work Mlama Kauai is doing with establishing a Food Hub and a place where farmers can prepare their products to be consumer ready. The seller gets his price, the buyer pays the discounted price and the county pays the difference out of the pool of taxes collected from out of state purchases. Staycation At The Royal Hawaiian Hotel, Local Groups Sue County Over Poipu Beach Condominium Complex. I would work with our State and Federal counterparts to secure adequate funding for our County. Although Kauai Now encourages respectful communication only, some content may be considered offensive. Harris debated alongside John D. Waihee III, future governor of Hawaii, as well as future legislative leaders Carol Fukunaga, Helene Hale, Les Ihara, Jr., Barbara Marumoto and Joseph M. Souki . If we could agree that the long-term goal is sustainability then we would need to work backwards to see how we can begin making moves in the short term to move us in that direction. Lihue Airport was built as an inter-island facility rather a trans-Pacific airport, so I accept that changes are needed for our aging airport to better manage even the volume we currently experience. Protecting Our `Aina & Sustenance Lifestyles Protecting our Natural Resources, Agriculture (farming & ranching) & Local Sustenance Lifestyles (gardening, gathering, hunting & fishing). The tax rate for the Vacation Rental class is the second highest tax rate in the county. Our food tours increase the demand for local ingredients in these restaurants, help maintain their commitment towards supporting local farmers, and raises awareness of fresh ingredients from the island. These problems are going to escalate with the unchecked growth of the vegetation and greater concentrations of rainfall. I am currently the Chair of Public Works, which is the largest division and handles all CIP assignments. I do support expanding our TSA lines and hope that in the plan TSA will also be provided with more up to date equipment so that everyone can get to their next destination. We need to redefine the term affordable housing and focus on removing cost barriers for developers to be able to provide housing units that is truly affordable. I see myself as the bridge that can connect all areas and work towards finding solutions to move issues forward. We also must tackle the needed infrastructure upgrades to accommodate these additional units and developments. We need to find county solutions to reduce the cost of housing. Another important goal is to develop plans and continue to build capacity for economic development of the six target industry clusters with strategies of 1) increase collaboration, 2) support economic innovation and digitization for all businesses, 3) develop infrastructure; and, 4) support the development of new businesses and markets for a diversity of products derived from agricultural and technological activity. The best way to provide economic diversification would be to develop some sectors by itself and provide the enabling environment so that others can participate. I envision reversing our current status quo to where 80% of our food comes from Kauai rather than imported. The county is currently developing a climate resilience and adaptation plan which will include detailed policies to equitably retreat from rising seas and a framework on how and where to build resilient infrastructure and housing. August 13, 2022 (Primary) Kauai. This power granted by the Kauai County Charter led to a last-minute surge in testimony from residents advocating for Fern nuenue Holland, a community organizer and leader against developers plans to build a hotel at the site of the former Coco Palms resort. The next highest tax class which is the Commercial and Industrial class with the rate of $8.10 per thousand. In the short term I would start with adjusting the county pay scale as the core and work outward. While I anticipate that KIUC will get to 100% renewable far ahead of schedule, we need to fully decarbonize ground transportation and do all we can to reduce emissions from our landfill. Regardless of short term or long term, as with any finances, I will not overspend. I believe this would be a similar process that can be accomplished! As a Kaua`i County Councilmember for 3 of the last 4 terms, Ive proven myself to be hardworking, trustworthy and thoughtful. When asked why there were so many entering this class, the Finance Department said in a memo that we are seeing more Long-Term Rentals and Homeowners sell and or replace with Vacation Rental use. Similarly, in a report on the vacation rental industry in Hawaii, Hawaii Appleseed Foundation writes that Vacation rental units (VRUs) provide another significant pressure, leading to the reduction of available housing for Hawaii residents and driving up rents. This is because, Renting out a unit as a VRU is more profitable than renting it long-term, making VRUs particularly appealing for nonresident investors. As Appleseed writes, part of the attraction is that Hawaii has the lowest property tax rates in the nation. It may also serve as an invaluable stop-gap to help a resort faced with an uncontrollable crisis not collapse into full failure. I believe that the aim of regenerative tourism as outlined in the DMAP, if harnessed properly, can assist with economic diversification and an expansion of eco-tourism, true cultural experiences and more revenue staying on Kauai. Yes we need to improve on eliminating illegal transient vacation rentals from operating on Kauai. My goal is to be proactive with our administration and work with each department to understand how we can create more efficiency in our systems. Homestead small farms with an allowance for small farm worker housing has been the evident need for decades. 5. ', Were either going to offer more service, improve areas that were failing at, or were going to cut the tax rate and give people a tax break, Kagawa concluded. Kauai, along with every other state and county in the country, is facing strong long-term fiscal headwinds from two sources: demographics and infrastructure. In other words, government, and the developer, usually in partnership, bear the development costs to house individuals and families unable to obtain market-rate housing. The following came from KipuKai Kualii, candidate for Kauai County Council. QUESTION #5Do you support efforts to ensure that all vacation rentals, home stay units, bed and breakfast, and all transient vacation units are charged resort property tax rates? This is a state-wide effort that has and will defiantly make a difference for us all. We must continue to assist local businesses and community organizations as they pivot away from importing raw materials to sourcing local materials. Our landfill is depleting and we need to have a program established. The need to be prepared for this stream of funding for our overall infrastructure needs is very important. QUESTION #2If elected to the Council, how would you engage with the business community early in the legislative process? This site was listed as a viable site through a comprehensive study that was done on potential landfill locations on our Island. We have so much to be thankful for and it is our responsibility as leaders in our island community to take care of our people, and our natural resources and to provide every opportunity for our families to live, work and to enjoy life. Its not a coincidence that KIUCs electricity rates are the lowest in the State AND that we have by far the most renewable energy on the grid. Providing land and sharing the cost of infrastructure is one way to lower costs. We fell two votes short. Kauai Real Estate, Huge Traffic Delays, Snorkelers Rescued Off Lawai Beach, Kauai Council Member Sentenced, May 31, 2022; . The mayors administration is responsible for applying for these typically competitive Federal grants. Areas like our land fill operations, work force housing, transitional housing to assist our houseless community, our Kupuna services, our unions and its members are fairly negotiated, the responsibility goes on and on. These products can be made a certified community kitchens in partnership with our local slaughter houses. They are incredibly costly to build and maintain. Reaching out to both the interest groups who would either benefit by an ordinance change, as well as those who may be negatively impacted is essential to successful implementation well before introduction of a bill at council. Please check out my website at to see a full list of policies that Ive worked on and a list of proposed policies for the future. Luke Evslin was the top vote-getter with 7.6% of the vote, according to.
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