Any candidate winning a majority of votes in the first election is elected; if no candidate wins a majority, then the general election in May will serve as a runoff between the top two winners regardless of party affiliation. A: Downtown rooftop bars and dining in Riverside. A: The biggest issue in my district that I would like to tackle if elected to Jacksonville City Council is houselessness. Development and implementation of such plans should take into account studies and recommendations by civil engineers, city planners, and academicians who have expertise specific to preventing or combatting rising seas, and increased heat and flooding caused by climate change. My plan to fully fund the police was adopted by the TRUE Commission. Every year, tens of thousands of people move to our city. A: I have family and friends who are and were in office. We can employ youth in citywide summer jobs programs. We all want to live peaceably in our respective communities regardless of our zip code. Supporting the creation and preservation of affordable housing through targeted investmentsand funding for rehabilitation projects. I have ground crews throughout the state and office staff. A: Ive been here, We grew up together, ate at the same tables, played at the same parks, fellowshipped laughed cried and share the same morals and values throughout District. I understand the importance of maintaining a safe, welcoming, and vibrant community and am committed to ensuring that Duval County remains a desirable place to live and work for generations to come. v. Streamlining the permitting process for affordable housing developments to reduce costs and accelerate the construction timeline. I work for General Electric as an Inventory Specialist. My proposal would be incorporated into the citys 2023-2024 budget. A: The city has invested millions of dollars in renovations over the years. Below them, youll be able to jump straight to your district. Importantly, I have the time, the requisite skills, life experiences, willingness, and time to serve. Simple job. We are losing public safety workers to other cities at an alarming rate. We have thousands of miles of shorelines along the ocean, the river, and wetlands. We cant enable them. JSO staffing levels in light of national standards. Your local weekday newsletter for news and ways to get involved in Northeast Florida. Additionally, the council could also consider working with non-profit organizations and community groups to identify and address the root causes of the lack of affordable housing, such as stagnant wages and rising cost of living. As a City Councilman, Ill work across the aisle to take down every Confederate monument, statute or plaque thats in our community. If we hold it constant with some 1/8 mill decreases, we should have the financial resources to fund essential City services. A: I intend to understand all the pertinent facts and circumstances before I would make a decision. Because of her example, to this day, I understand the meaning of a hard days work, and Ill bring that same work ethic to serve our community on the Jacksonville City Council. A: Yes, our city must have safe neighborhoods, and to do so, we need to increase the number of empowered first responders by recruiting the best and the brightest talent. I grew up in a small town outside of Orlando. I have lived in the Woodstock Community for 24 years. This is the most important case of my life. The majority of the city's 50 council seats are contested this election. My roles and responsibilities have expanded over the years through different roles, but I have earned the respect and trust of my co-workers every step of the way. Over the last several years in my personal humble opinion, [the] Democratic Party in New York became moving to the left at such a speed that they could not even keep up, Kagan said at the time. Remove barriers to building and expanding. A: I have lived in my community for five decades, for four of those decades I have been a voice for those in the community. Weve been talking about it for too long, its time to actually see our potential realized! Is it related to unstable housing or lack of home support? To help achieve thisgoal, I would lobby our state representatives to expand the pool of tax credits forthe unhoused. Investing in our neighborhoods means making sure that everypart of town has access to safe, affordable housing, good schools, and green spaces. The more you saturate the market, the more you will bring down prices.. Second, I bring a fresh perspective to City Council. Andrew Lewis: Lewis joined the council in 2020 and is running for re-election. The positions on the ballot will be for Council Place 1, Council Place 4 and Council Place 5 (to fill an unexpired term). Planting more tree cover, turning unused parking lots into parks, and encouraging more sustainable building practices (for both resiliency and energy efficiency) are all solutions we can bring to the table. They should gather facts on the issues and discuss once accomplished. The homeless situation Downtown is pathetic and will absolutely end with me. If public funding is to go toward renovating the stadium, I would not want football to be the only beneficiary of public tax dollars. A: My proposal for discussion is as follows: I was born in 1951. Love, and democracy, will be in the air this Valentine's Day. See Chicago aldermanic race results as they come in below. I was employed as broadcast journalist at WTLV/WJXX (First Coast News) for 43 years. When it comes to investing in our infrastructure, were talking about upgrading our roads, green and gray infrastructure to boost resiliency, and public transportation systems. A: Our city is facing major challenges: violent crime, crumbling infrastructure and lack of affordable housing. A: I dont know if theres much we can do being this is a greater, privatized, free market system, especially from where Im currently sitting. Crime, affordable housing, and infrastructure are topics that come up in most conversations with residents. Although I have represented celebrities and athletes, most of my time is mostly spent helping the injured get justice and those who have had their rights infringed get help. The war is over, and the Confederacy is merely an example of seeking to maintain a national policy that is based on racism and white supremacy. We want leaders who set aside partisanship, act on the issues that matter most, and enhance the quality of life for all our citizens. Since President Biden took office, Republicans in Congress have often accused him and his administration of wrongdoing, but they had no real power to demand documents or compel testimony. We cant take support from these conglomerates buying these houses and flipping them with outrageous markups (like my opponent) and say we are concerned about affordable housing. Its got my home of 13 years, my office of over 20 years, our community house on the east of the stadium, which we renovated and put back into use and its got Folios office and distribution center in Springfield. But to truly earn the trust of the voters, I understand that I must be not only trustworthy, but also willing to trust in the people I serve. A: As someone who works in government affairs (I am both a registered state and city lobbyist), it means I understand a lot about our local government that my opponents may not. A: While I dont have all the answers, I am willing to listen to peoples concerns and ideas so we can work together to build forward for Jacksonville. The second district election is June 7, 2022 and Districts 1, 3, and 5 will be introduced in July 2022. Many people need to realize serving on the City Council is just a part-time job. A: I believe that with our City growing as quickly as it has, to include over 1 million residents, we need to ensure we have enough officers to make it to calls within a short enough amount of time. A: I am prepared to serve my city because of my academic education, life experiences, and work experiences. At the city level, all eyes are on the upcoming City Council races, where the 51 council members elected just in 2021 many of them freshmen in the chamber will have to run again to hold onto their recently captured seats. The Midland City Council is the City's legislative body. Track Live Election Results for Chicago Aldermanic Races . We urgently need more officers on the street and more innovative community policing. Successful sports teams, arts and cultural programs, are great for our city. Q: Last years city budget included a record $545.27 million for the Jacksonville Sheriffs Office. Also, we could invest in dredging rivers, such as the Ribault River. The new branch was expected to be completed in four to six years. Upgrading the infrastructure, more advanced flood drainengineering, is an ongoing necessity for the council and I will see that we are continually addressing that. I am excited about the new Resiliency Office body of work, the data, assessments, and recommendations relevant to our future in Duval County. We deserve a leader who is honest, transparent and responsive; a leader who wants to serve the people; a partner who will listen and not be afraid to stand up and fight for what is right. She explained the consequences of home flooding where there is a large number of septic tanks and toxic sites up stream. It sets policies, approves budgets, determines tax rates and . I grew up and have always lived in North Florida. Let's take a . Home ownership programs suchas first-time homebuyer, down payment assistance, and gap funding could also assist citizens of DuvalCounty obtain affordable housing. A: I am a lifelong resident of Duval County and have been dedicated to serving my community throughout my life. Weve talked about our potential as a city for too long, but now is the time to takeaction and actually see real progress and growth. I have been back in Duval County for 20 years and work as a senior IT project manager at CSX. We represent him pro bono (free). 2) Recovery must play a central role in addressing housing affordability. While the race for Chicago mayor will undoubtedly leave many anxiously awaiting results, a number of other big races will be decided across the city that will play a big role in shaping the City Council for the next mayor. A: The support for the Jacksonville Jaguars during their playoff run was amazing. I also would like to see us reduce how many officers are forced to take overtime. A: There are so many great places here in Jacksonville. With leadership from JEA, along City government and federal and state funding, our reliance on fossil fuels for electricity and transportation must be significantly reduced, then eliminated. Do you supportcontinuing this level of funding for JSO? A: The council should address the lack of affordable housing through implementation of livable wages that concise with the rising economy. I made several calls and decided the time was now to run. OKLAHOMA CITY ( Free Press) UPDATED OKC voters will head to the polls again in February to decide who will fill four Oklahoma City Council seats in the upcoming regular general election. I have stood up for consumers my whole career. Harnessing this growth through strategic planning is the only way to unlock Jacksonvilles full potential. She won her first election in 2013 by just a couple percentage points. During the address, the governor will lay out her 2023 agenda, which shes already, indicated will include a statewide housing strategy to reach a goal of building 800,000 units, Progressives, backed by housing advocacy groups, will again make a push for so-called Good Cause Eviction legislation sponsored by state Senator Julia Salazar (D-Brooklyn), which would, prevent landlords from evicting tenants unless they violate the terms of their lease by failing to pay rent, push for other bills intended to protect tenants and make housing more affordable. Q: What, if anything, should Council do to help Duval County adapt to rising seas, increased heat and flooding? It's a fascinating corner of our everyday, medical lives, and the response to climate change. I am married to Keith Peabody Hopkins, a Longshoreman with over 40 years in the maritime industry. In addition, citizens need state statutes and city ordinances that allow citizens to profit through net metering agreements with JEA. Debora Juarez: Juarez has long said she wasn't running for re-election in District 5, but everybody in town acted like it was breaking, never-before-heard news when she randomly mentioned it again in December. Party affiliations are: DEM for Democrat, LPF for Libertarian Party of Florida, NPA for no party affiliation and REP for Republican. , which covers much of central and East Harlem. Four Oklahoma City council seats are on the ballot this February in an election where representatives will be chosen for about half of the city's residents. I will work for the community, take calls, visit when needed and most of all hold community meetings; this is also something that hasnt been in existence. Look no further than who Lenny Curry and Brian Hughes are urging people to support in this very race. Sitting at one of our local coffee shops or restaurants spending time with friends. We empower people to live and age with independence and dignity in theirhomes and community by providing needed services to seniors and persons living with disabilities inthe seven-county, Northeast Florida area. A: During the spring of 2001, I was flown to Jacksonville to interview for what would be my first ever job as a lawyer. I want to assure voters Im not running for a new career, self-gain or a plaque on the wall. A: I believe, strongly, that the Confederate monuments should be taken down. (Courtesy of David Tagliani). This will achieve peace through free market transactions with emphasis on private property. For example: The 6 cent gas tax increase will cost us $1 billion in a span of 30 years. I would continue to assist renters through Emergency Rental Assistance Programs. A: I believe the monuments should be left in place. I have spoken with thousands of voters in my district during the past year, and the one thing they all have in common is that they are concerned not only about what the City Council does but also about how they do it. A: I believe climate change is real and represents a real threat to our community. How long have you lived in Duval County? Make rezoning easier. We have to stop being selfish on a personal level and be concernedabout the advancementof the species first and foremost. Turning the page on the political fault line shifts across New York in 2022, the new year has the potential to bring a whole new slate of shakeups to city and state government. They have launched investigations into everything from internet companies and the "weaponization of government" to the Afghanistan withdrawal and the business dealings of the president's family, including his son Hunter. This year marks the 50th anniversary of Bumbershoot. They represent hate, bigotry and racism. We are divided. Any beach will do. This includes supporting local small businesses and working tocreate new jobs that pay an above-average wage. But this growth also presents an unprecedented opportunity for investment in infrastructure, housing, education, jobs and policing. A: I am a proud native of the First Coast and have lived in Duval County since 2006. The next regular elections are as follows:Nov. 8, 2022 to elect Councilmembers in Districts 2, 4, 6 and 8 Mar. This has the potential to shake things up in Seattle, which faces challenges from homelessness to growth. Ive advised young elected officials, advocated for quality and affordable healthcare, fought to protect our environment, and supported families facing cancer. Ill clean it all up myself if I have to. If either side of the aisle feel so strongly about the monument then they should purchase it to be moved to private property for display or to a museum or wherever they choose so as to not have to go to the City Government. Too much red-tap for the small business community. No, I dontsupport that level of spending, and if YOU do, Its becauseyou likely have your own personal bias tied to that spending. My experience in agriculture and soil and water conservation has prepared me to bring to the City Council insights on the wise use of our natural resources and the need to enhance our parks and preserves to benefit our community. A: I am a special education teacher, which has allowed me to see the needs of Jacksonvilles families. A: I support the opportunity to expand development for non-profit and for-profit development to meet the demand for Affordable Housing in Jacksonville. I am a firefighter and EMT safety officer, and an entrepreneur and public service advocate. A: Public safety is priority #1. In a single day, you can experience a variety of activities that range from dining at a local diner or coffee shop, to hitting the beach for surfing or fishing, grabbing a fresh fish taco, catching a rodeo or a musical performance, and finally ending the day with a delicious dinner and craft drinks. Each Council member has his or her own discretionary budget to fund local projects and groups. The haves and have nots are further than they have ever been. As a close-knit bunch, my happy place is being with family and friends. Those are the aldermanic races, and with a dozen incumbents not running for reelection and several others are facing tough fights, Election Night could get interesting. A: Open to discussions regarding the return investment for the taxpayers. A: Like the Public Schools renaming issue a few years back, we can solve this issue and not only survive but thrive as a city. This isone major reason why District 9 has been neglected and ignored. A: I am currently Congressman John Rutherfords District Director. Investing in the renovation of TIAA Bank Field has the potential to revitalize Downtown Jacksonville and make it a more desirable place to live in North Florida. Bridget Billeter. A: I think large-scale renovations to the stadium should be put to a voter referendum. From helping the family of Jordan Davis to ending pediatric dentist Howard Schneiders reign of pain and fraud on kids, media became interested in me and my cases. Q: What is your position on public financing for TIAA Bank Field renovations? A: My happy place in Jacksonville is the Southside Tennis Complex. Another potentially competitive race, is the primary thats shaping up for Democratic socialist Council Member Kristin Richardson Jordans Council District 9 seat, which covers much of central and East Harlem. I have the real and relevant experience that no other candidate in my race for Jacksonville City Council, At-Large, Group 5 has. I have studied our Citys finances and have come to realize my financial backgroundand credentials as a CPA (50 years) and Certified Fraud Examiner (20 years) are very fitting given ourCitys troubled financial circumstances. A: SOUTHERN SOCIAL WHISKEY BAR IN MIDDLEBURGNOT IN JAX BUT THATS WHERE I GO TO LISTEN TO LIVE MUSIC. I believe the City Council and JSO should undertake a line-by-line program review to determine whats working and what isnt so we can put more dollars into the programs that are offering the highest protection in our neighborhoods. Likewise, I will continue to support the work ofcommunity-based programs such as the CBCRC, which examine the causes of crimeto fight it from an environmental, economic, and educational perspective. We must also be mindful of the potentiallong-term financial impacts and ensure that the financing plan is sustainable and will not place an excessive strain on our future. A: The biggest issue that I will tackle head-on is reckless city government spending, which will be an ongoing one. I would continue to support the work of the citys Resiliency Officerand work with groups like the Riverkeeper, UNF, JU, and other task forces to assess the issue and address it. Now Ive been recovered for 5 years and active in that community. A: Growing up on 21st and Phoenix, I learned two valuable lessons: that good things come to those who work hard and that it is important to take care of your family and community. A: The stadium needs renovation. I would like to see the stadium be renovated to include a tennis element for purposes of hosting professional tennis. While the city has done a good job of preparing for heat emergencies, there is much more we must do to address the fact that some parts of the city can be as much as 10-15 degrees warmer than other areas on hot summer days. The positions carry influence as locally elected leaders determine spending and priorities for police and fire departments, road projects, parks and . This would: help developers build affordable and accessible housing; bring more dollars in for home repair or replacement to ensure aging in place; first-time homebuyer programs; and create more opportunity for different types of housing programs. A: I run, so I find new and creative ways to get a good workout. I drive to Jekyll Island, Georgia, spend a few nights, and run the Sydney Lanier Bridge. Teresa Mosqueda: This council position is a little different. We're a year away from the city's next municipal election. We should be prepared to do the necessary improvements to make it functional. It is essential to look at the past performance and the proposed deliverables to date, operational cost, and where allocations of funding are most needed to reduce crime and develop crime prevention initiatives in the most intensive neighborhoods. Q: Last years city budget included a record $545.27 million for the Jacksonville Sheriffs Office. A: I question whether the burgeoning $545.27 million budget for the Jacksonville Sheriffs Office has resulted in a decrease in homicides and crime overall. A: I believe that either we maintain our historical monuments and build other memorials to our history. Democrats dominated Philadelphia's special elections for four open City Council seats.. Driving the news: Democrats Jim Harrity and Sharon Vaughn won the two at-large seats over Republicans Drew Murray and Jim Hasher, according to unofficial city election results. A: Biggest issue in my district, that is a loaded question. I am / have been involved in many high-profile cases over the course of my career: Each step of the way over the last 20 years in Jacksonville have taught me so much about the inequalities and inequities which exist. They also have a working group that is reviewing current city programs and policies to recommend needed adjustments. I own Jack Meeks & Associates, CPAs, LLC which primarily manages the rental properties my wifeand I own. History is meantto be understood from all points of view so Jacksonville can grow, evolve, and become stronger. A: I care, I will always listen and I will work hard every day to make you proud that you supported me in this race to represent all of Jacksonville in this At-Large, Group 5 City Council seat. I have a unique career background with dual expertise in the private sector and government policy. That's not very efficient when you think about it. Similarly, my organization assists with re-entry programs by providing long-term support and accommodation to formerly incarcerated individuals while they work to restoretheir lives, families, and community status. Finally, the project would need to be completed in a reasonable amount of time. A: I am an entrepreneur which involves RealEstate. The vintage arcade games, including Mrs. Pacman, Mario, and pinball machines, offer a fun and nostalgic experience. However, I also understand that some taxpayers may be concerned aboutthe use of public funds for the renovations. The sharp pain you feel in your soul from being unable to afford rent, or even findaplace to rent! However, I would strongly encourage renters to become homeowners through first- time homebuyer assistance programs from the federal, state, and locallevels. If we increase the number of housing units available, economics tell us that prices will move lower. against Brannan for the seat. For seven years, I have volunteered with the citys Northwest Citizens Planning Advisory Committee, which votes on zoning and ordinance requests. For three generations, my family has called Jacksonville home. What I could do is bring a local culvert replacement company for consultation, get a quote to fix the culverts, then consult with the community to set a payment plan, for they will be the immediate beneficiaries. I have managed large organizations, and have successfully grown a small business here in Jacksonville. ARE YOU A PEOPLE PERSON? Polls are open from 6am to 9pm. A: As your next City Councilman, I hope to be remembered for being accessible and responsive to the needs of everyone who lives in Jacksonville.
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