vufindString = {bulk_email_success: "Your item(s) were e-mailed",bulk_save_success: "Your item(s) were saved successfully",close: "close",loading: "Loading",sms_success: "Message sent. It can be argued that both Marxist and Mainstream Media view give credit to the fact that government preparations were a factor in the failure of the miners strike but they have opposing views on to what extent. Airport staff at Leeds-Bradford Airport identified Scargill attempting to travel under a false name (Arthur Fenn) wearing a disguise on 20 July, and turned him away to purchase a genuine ticket with his true identity. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? Scargill subsequently decided to move to Sheffield, and said that he had spoken to each member of staff to ask them to move to Sheffield. /index.php [L] [33], In July 1990, the NUM executive voted unanimously to sue Scargill and general secretary Peter Heathfield. [32] An internal NUM report by Gavin Lightman QC found that Scargill had used some of the Libyan money to pay for improvements to his bungalow but not to pay off his mortgage (as had been alleged),[33] and stated that Scargill's failure to make a full report on the Soviet money donated for the Welsh miners was "a remarkable breach of duty" and that he should repay the money back to the NUM. National Archives: Margaret Thatcher Wanted to Crush Power of Trade Unions. The Guardian. //-->, Unions on the board : an experiment in industrial democracy, Batstone, Eric, The Enemy Within: The Secret War against the Miners. Arrow, 1994. [14], The vast majority of head-office staff took redundancy rather than move to Sheffield. T he council chamber at the Barnsley HQ of the National Union of Mineworkers is a jaw-dropping sight: a huge, oak-panelled room, draped with banners that were once kept at collieries across. [15] How the Miners Strike Could Have Won. Socialist Worker (Britain). He has contested two parliamentary elections. His comments followed a question in the Commons from Labour MP Lisa Nandy, who said the miners and their families deserved an apology for the mine closures. Scargill, Solidarity and Workers Revolutionary Party ( Book ) Margaret Thatcher, face aux mineurs : 1972-1985, treize annes qui ont chang l'Angleterre by Pierre-Franois Gouiffs ( Book ) Andrew Marrs view on why the Miners strike failed is much more convincing as it gives credit to Scargills leadership skills while also saying not even he would be able to persuade every part of the industry to strike showing that Marr believes that Scargill was the best man for the job. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Margaret Thatcher: Volume Two The Iron Lady. These days he only gets to speak at the crankiest of Stalinist events. Arguably, one of the most important factors in the failure of the Miner's Strike in 1984 was the leadership of the head of NUM, Arthur Scargill. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on [10] Still the Enemy Within (2014). IMDb. Put the custom structure back if you had one. This was denied by the government at the time, although papers released in 2014 under the thirty-year rule suggest that Scargill was right. Page 343-344. Scargill had, before becoming president, favoured moving the head office of the NUM out of London, which he described as a "prostituting place". [he fails to see that] the working class is a world class. So that was my initial introduction into socialism and into political militancy. He regularly attended Workers' Educational Association (WEA) classes and Co-operative Party educational programmes, and in 1962, undertook a three-year, part-time course at the University of Leeds, where he studied economics, industrial relations and social history. Nigel Lawson describes how the government were able to persuade the working miners to cross the violent picket lines; Those who continued to work were portrayed as heroes (and behind the scenes a considerable amount of private money was raised to help them resist the Scargillite intimidation)[30]. She makes some bold accusations about when Scargill and his cohorts were accused of serious irregularities in the handling of union funds but this is unconvincing as it has never been proven true. London: Verso, 2014. By 1984 however the police were ready and neutralized the tactic with superior force. When you encounter a 404 error in WordPress, you have two options for correcting it. I really do not care what you think of Mr Scargill today, where elseis a man supposed to go after he was betrayed by the system and vilified by the media to agullible population, a media that was run by the government of the day. London: Fontana, 1992. Lawson takes an objective view of the events as his book was published in 1993 after a very public dispute with Thatcher where he eventually resigned. [37] Campbell, John. Having read the above (barely, dont like reading lies) I felt the immediate need to respond, if anything to comfort myself. [12] Evans, Eric J. Thatcher and Thatcherism. [40] Tony Benn. Wikipedia. Test your website to make sure your changes were successfully saved. Another important factor in the failure of the miners strike is the amount of support that it had. [51] Scargill criticised Poland's Solidarity calling it an "anti-socialist organisation which desires the overthrow of a socialist state", which Scargill saw as deformed but reformable. [5] Benn, Tony. Therefore, Thatcher and her governments actions could have caused the failure of the strike but to what extent these actions can be justified is still widely argued. However, another reason that many people blame Scargill for the downfall of the miners is due to the fact that Scargill authorised the flying picket strategy in order to stop miners going to work. This was a complete reversal of the policy that was promised by the Labour Government before it was put into office this represents a betrayal of the mining industry. Page 414. Some historians have provided interpretations and explanations of the defeat. Person/Body (Historic): Kahn, Peggy. However, it can be argued that the government limited its role in upholding law and order in a dispute between the NUM and the NCB. The Miners Strike Day by Day: The Illustrated 1984-85 Diary of Yorkshire Miner Arthur Wakefield. His policy alienated most of the Nottinghamshire miners, undermined his position with the leaders of the trade union movement, hurt the union's reputation in British public opinion, and led to violence along the picket line. Page 164. Neil Kinnock even compared Scargill with a general who wanted another Gallipoli[3]. Scargill, once the hero of the miners, now cuts a rather sad, isolated figure and this is a complex post-1985 story. Parcourez la librairie en ligne la plus vaste au monde et commencez ds aujourd'hui votre lecture sur le Web, votre tablette, votre tlphone ou un lecteur d'e-books. Arrow, 1994. The Myth of Workers' Control Issue 5 of Occasional papers in industrial relations Author Arthur Scargill Publisher University of Leeds, 1980 Original from Cornell University Digitized Apr. The Labour Party was opposed to membership of the EU to begin with wasn't it, so what happened, are its current membership more enlightened. In 1974, he was instrumental in organising the miners' strike that led Prime Minister Edward Heath to call a February general election.[13]. Accessed October 12, 2018. Page 161. Arrow, 1994. In 1965 he was elected Branch Delegate from Woolley to the Yorkshire NUM Area Council, and in 1969 was elected a member of the Yorkshire NUM Area Executive Committee. He then went on to say: The deep disillusion of the mining communitywas spontaneous and genuine. He was a destructive force, in the Labour Party, and in the NUM. "Analysing the British miners' strike of 19845.". With Fay Hauser, Olivia Haller, Doris Morgado, Chrystee Pharris. According to the Morning Star Scargill said that every single MP who wants us to go back into Europe should be opposed. That would be the majority of Labour MPs, then, Arthur? It is reported that the police were getting between 600 and 1000 a week and many people believed that there just arent that many police available to move about. 11: Memoirs of a Tory Radical. After the miners' strike, Scargill was elected to lifetime presidency of the NUM by an overwhelming national majority, in a controversial election in which some[who?] The Anatomy of Thatcherism. [8] Nigel Lawson, who takes a clear mainstream media view on the Miners strike and even admits the left-wing majority on the NUM executive insisted, however dubiously, that Rule 43 of the union allowed for a strike without a ballot[9] showing that although many people didnt agree with it, including him, it was actually permissible. I think people would be astounded if they knew that."[42]. Industrial Democracy in Italy: Workers Co-ops and the Self-management Debate Mark Holmstrom, Mark Holmstrm Snippet view - 1989. It was a major political victory for Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and the Conservative Party. On the other hand, the Marxist/Left Wing view suggests that the strike was part of Thatchers wider attack on political consensus and suggest that the miners could have won the strike had it not been for the concerted, illegal government campaign to smash the miners union, something they had been planning for some time. Without them the power stations, even with the mix of nuclear and oil and the careful stockpiling, might have begun to run short and the government would have been in deep trouble[43] Therefore, showing that the lack of support from the Nottinghamshire miners was a more important factor in the failure of the Miners strike than government preparations. of the other candidates claimed that they were given very little time to prepare. Nevertheless, this shows that the strike didnt fail from the lack of support in general, but rather the lack of support from key figures such as the Neil Kinnock from the Labour Party, as well as the Nottinghamshire miners who, if they had supported the miners, would have guaranteed a different outcome for the strike. The party was established in 1996 and is led by Arthur Scargill, a former Labour Party member and the former leader of the National Union of Mineworkers. [47], In 1996, Scargill founded the Socialist Labour Party after the Labour Party abandoned the original wording of Clause IV advocating the public democratic ownership[48] of key industries and utilities from their constitution. EconBiz.Logger.enable_visibilityState_tracking(); If your specific country is not listed, please select the UK version of the site, as this is best suited to international visitors. You may need to scroll to find it. [43] In February 2012, Scargill won 13,000 in a court action against the NUM, primarily for car expenses, and for the earlier temporary denial of membership. Marching to the Fault Line: The 1984 Miners Strike and the Battle for Industrial Britain. The Enemy Within: The Secret War against the Miners. ." It is a world of despair, of ashes, and coldness, and darkness, and the setting acts as a . (1998), The third way : the promise of industrial democracy, Lawrence, Dennis, Because of Scargills actions, the strike was illegal, poorly supported and doomed to failure given the level of government preparations. Tony Benn opposes Evans view by saying the extent of the support in the NUM as a whole was evidenced by the overwhelming majority of miners who remained on strike until it ended in 1985[14]. [38] Thatcher, Margaret. (1983), Restructuring the employment relationship, Gallie, Duncan, In a 1975 interview with New Left Review Scargill said: I was in the Young Communist League for about six or seven years and I became a member of its National Executive Committee responsible for industrial work. The End of an Era Diaries 1980-90. UK | Politics | Head to Head: The Miners Strike. BBC News. The Myth of Control: Created by Mikail Chowdhury, Sana Soni. [1] Letwin, Shirley Robin. His one man mission to bring down the elected government, for a second time, and destroy Thatcherism was not only not accomplished ,it only served to strengthen the Conservative Government and Thatchers dominance of the political landscape for over a decade. Kim Howells discusses how Neil Kinnock argued that real power lay at the ballot box[4]. London: Constable, 2009. ARTHUR SCARGILL AND PEGGY KAHN - "THE MYTH OF WORKERS' CONTROL" - 1st . On March 6, 1984, the National Coal Board announced its plan to cut the nation's coal output by 4 million tons, in an effort to stem a $340 million annual loss. Some scholars have concluded that Scargill's decisive tactical error was to substitute his famous flying picket for the holding of a national strike ballot. In conclusion to my little rant, unions were formed for the betterment of its members, not to be used as a personal vehicle for selfish political dogma. //--> Aucun commentaire n'a t trouv aux emplacements habituels. "Goodbye to all that? [37] The prosecution brought by the Certification Officer was rejected in July 1991 on the grounds that it would be inappropriate to use the material provided in confidence to Lightman's enquiry. The Institute for Workers' Control was formed in 1968, building on a series of conferences over several years, to act as a research and educational body, to encourage discussion and communication between workers' control groups and trade unions, and to publish important materials on industrial democracy and workers' control. This article, far from being full of lies, hit the nail, well and truly, on the head. He stepped down from leadership of the NUM at the end of July 2002, to become the honorary president. Articles like the above, years later are actually a compliment to Arthur. Vast majority of people work retail or asBarristersselling fancycoffee to people on the way to work in offices, most of them on single hour contracts working in retail parks or business parks built on the ground of old mine, steelworks and potteries that used to employ tens of thousands of men and now employ the best part of 100. [19] Morgan, Kenneth O.Britain since 1945: The Peoples Peace. *You can also browse our support articles here >. Routledge, 1997. Page 150-152, [2] Campbell, John. Page 341. An example of this is the NACODs strike whereby Ian McGregor ordered colliery overmen to cross violent picket lines if they were to get paid. [11] Benn, Tony. This shows that even someone who takes the traditional mainstream media view, that because of Scargills actions the strike was poorly supported and doomed to fail, you cant deny the amount of support that the miners had. : A Review of Literature on the 1984/5 Miners' Strike. This varies by browser, if you do not see a box on your page with a red X try right clicking on the page, then select View Page Info, and goto the Media Tab. Page 13. Person/Body (Historic): University of Leeds and Nottingham. He was also on the hard-left of the Labour Party, often disagreeing with Neil Kinnock who couldnt support the strike due to its illegitimacy after Scargills failure to call a ballot. My Style of Government: The Thatcher Years. The Truth of Nacods Shameful Sell-out. The Guardian. Robert Taylor depicts Scargill as an 'industrial Napoleon' who called a strike 'at the wrong time' on the 'wrong issue', and adopted strategies and tactics that were 'impossibilist', with 'an inflexible list of extravagant non-negotiable demands' that amounted to 'reckless adventurism' that was 'a dangerous, self-defeating delusion'. However, In , He was right. Yet he was a decisive figure in the great strike of 1984-85. Scargill said himself that the real reason that the NUM areas such as Nottinghamshire, South Derbyshire and Leicestershire wanted a national strike ballot was that they wanted the strike called off, believing naively that their pits were safe[7]. In his diary he documents the battle at Orgreave on Monday 18th of June, 1984; Ive never seen so many of our lads altogether, it brought tears to my eyes[16]. Please click on a checkbox next to an item and try again. Harpercollins Publishers, 2012. The coal stocks at power stations held out[20]. The Guardian. First shown: 06/. Therefore, this portrays the feelings of the majority of the miners who were on strike as they realised that this lack of support could determine the outcome of the strike. the myth of workers' control arthur scargill the myth of workers' control arthur scargill on October 1, 2021 on October 1, 2021 Accessed October 11, 2018. After the Miners were beaten into submission in 1984and the rest of uscheated and swindled by that government and successive government afterwards. There was some controversy in February 1985 when Times journalist Paul Routledge engaged the Queen in discussion on the strike, and the Queen said that the strike was "all about one man", which Routledge objected to. [32] The documentary suggests that the claims against Scargill were untrue. At the risk of paraphrasing, Karl Marx once wrote that the great figures of history appear first as tragedy and then as farce. The View from No. His legacy is one of shame and ignominy. This website uses cookies, you can find out more and set your preferences here. The students, lesbian and gay rights movements also supported the miners as they could relate to their struggle. Milne explains how the strike was a last-ditch fight to defend jobs, mining communities and the NUM itself against a government prepared to bring into play unlimited resources and its entire panoply of coercive powers as and where necessary to break the union and its backbone of support[22].
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